HL7 Message Filter

The Message Filter allows you to select and join messages from one or multiple message files.


The Message Filter allows you to select messages from message files, by specifying value-matching conditions in HL7 fields.

Message Filter

For example, you can use the tool to select all messages for patient “John Smith” by specifying last name (PID-5.1) as “Smith”, and first name (PID-5.2) as “John” as the matching condition. It allows to search through multiple message files, and does so fairly quickly. For convenience, the Message Filter keeps your current and past filtering options, so they can be modified and reused – less typing and clicking.


  • It has a small single executable, no install required.
  • It handles very large files easily, and it is very fast.
  • It can filter on two matching conditions, very useful for searching in fields with multiple components.
  • It keeps past filtering condition history, so it can be re-used.
  • You can drag and arrange the file’s order in the files list, so the Filter tool can be used for merging files and/or re-arranging messages order.
  • It is designed to provide the most convenience.
  • A time-limited license is provided for free.

Demo Video

Coming soon.

See Also

The HL7 Viewer.

The HL7 Receiver.