HL7 Net Sender

Used in a data-processing flow for sending HL7 messages to a specified server on the network..


The HL7 Net Sender handler sends input HL7 records out to a network server address, via standard complied MLLP. It performs HL7 ‘handshaking’ and waits for an acknowledgement (ACK) before sending the next record to the server.


The following three parameters can be configured through the handler’s config file.

server-addressIP address, DNS name, or hostname of the designated server.
server-portThe network port number to be connected for sending data.
connection-timeout-secAn integer (as in seconds) for the timeout before sender aborts its connection attempt

Config Example

In the HL7Sender handler’s config in this example, once started and has incoming HL7 data, it will connect to an HL7 network server that is ready for receiving HL7 data over the network. The server is on the same computer as the ‘localhost’, which would be listening on port ‘1234’. Timeout waiting for ACK is set to 5 seconds in this example.


See Also

The HL7 Net Receiver handler implements an HL7 server which can communicate with multiple clients currently via MLLP.