Product & Service

Quality product and service from Foldda.

Foldda Integrator

Foldda Integrator is our premium product, for small to medium scale systems Integration such as building HL7 interfaces and/or CSV-based ETL data pipelines.

It is built based on the Foldda Data Automation framework – our propriatry technology which is patented (or patent-pending) in countries including Australia and the USA. 

(More on Foldda Data Automation Framework …)

SmartHL7 Tools

SmartHL7 is a brand for some handy HL7 testing tools made by Foldda founder Michael. He used these tools for his own HL7-related development, and found they were sufficient for his needs.

These tools are –

  • Smart HL7 Message Viewer
  • SmartHL7 Message Sender
  • SmartHL7 Message Receiver
  • SmartHL7 Message Filter

(More on SmartHL7 tools …)

Free Lancing Development

For customers interested in extend our tools and existing products to suit their specific requirements, we can offer fixed priced development service.

One scenario is to customise a Foldda Integrator handler to suit your particular needs, or build a new handler to work specifically with your system. 

Depending on the resource availability and our understanding of your requirement, we may not accept every development proposal.